Tag: londra

Al turpiloquio del perdono

[spreaker type=mini width=100% autoplay=false episode_id=4456528] Li ricordo ancora i brividi lungo la schiena, tra le pieghe nelle mani e nell’ombelico mentre i vestiti tremavano ed il vento insinuoso giocava. Le fermate proseguivano solo i miei passi si fermavano cercavano il contatto cercavano occhi sconosciuti quel battito, quel calore e non li trovavano mai l’interrompersi su Continua

Just want to hOLD ON you

An apple cider and the night pass trough,
I couldn’t met your hands that night
just your deepest dreams. You were breathing fast,
I felt just as a little breeze warming your feelings.

An apple cider and the night pass trough,
I couldn’t met your hands that night
just your deepest dreams. You were breathing fast,
I felt just as a little breeze warming your feelings.