Giorno: Ottobre 14, 2012

Sicurezze di castelli in rovina

Spavaldi mostriamo false sicurezze piegando noi stessi a strade periamo, giusto quando il Sole sorge. Fragili crolliamo. Crollano i castelli, la sabbia si sparge a terra. Fragile vetro. Stendi la tua mano sul mio corpo, รจ forte non ti teme. Quante volte ho abbandonato cuore ed anima sbiaditi? Troppe. Ora parla, hai mai sofferto? Dilaniato Continua

I’m still greed

I could try to believe, maybe I can achieve! I’m still greed. I don’t show if I fail tha’ts my jail, below when I’m down; then surrounded by the sound. I’m still greed. Crowded place a forgotten plaza, reality or dream? Falling to pieces. As fishes we crowned the seas deserving of reason to cry, Continua

Lonely Souls

Lonely souls waiting their stars stair and hopes, losts! [This empty world, no reason to be.] Searching the fire the ambition and the hope, then searchig again waiting the fire to feel you’re burning. [This empty world, no reason to be.] Lonely souls in dreamy nights and the fears. Feeling of life and stomach stretch, Continua